A message from her to her beloved owner Louisa...
“I'm not there with you today but know that I haven't gone astray. I am the wind blowing through your hair and the warmth you feel in the air. When that smile creeps on your face, remember that I am in a good place. And when you're feeling sad and down, recall memories of me running around. You don't need to look low and high, just search way deep inside. And know that we'll never be apart, for I have left my pawprints on your heart. Misty xoxo”
Author: Andrea Bruce

Dean his beloved owner said in early summer 2016...
"It is with a very heavy heart that I am writing to you today. I lost my best friend and travel companion last night due to pancreatic cancer last night. I am the truck driver that adopted Diesel from Minpinerie last year around this time. I know when we adopted him he was not the healthiest boy with a few lumps and blind in one eye. But we really had the time of our lives on the road together. He unfortunately got really sick really fast on the tail end of our last trip and within three days and three trips to the vets for iv fluids and treatments for his cancer. We had to let him go, so he wasn't in anymore pain and discomfort. I felt I needed to let you know that he probably had the best year of his life traveling with me all over North America. And had made many friends in my trucking community. He was loved by many and was the unofficial mascot of the US customs ports in North Dakota and Montana. As these officers stocked treats just for him when we crossed the border. They were always excited to see him. He played up to the officers like the big ham he was. I personally am having an extremely hard time with the loss as he was my best friend and took care of me as much as I took care of him. It's going to be extremely hard to go back to work next week without my best friend. I am fortunate to have had him in my life and my family's lives for the past year. He was a pleasure to know and love and will be missed terribly.”

Jake – From his beloved owner Pauline....“In June of 2006 we rescued a goldendoodle named Max from you. We renamed him Jake (as we already had a Max in the family). Jake would have been 10 today and as we reminisced about how he came to us Minipinerie came to our thoughts and we wanted to share news of his passing with you and thank you for the amazing work that you do. We brought Jake home to Toronto and gave him a joy-filled life. He was the first of our children and was much loved by his brother and two sisters and the rest of his loving family. He was a kind, gentle, loving pup with the biggest heart and spastic attitude to match. He loved snuggling on the couch, enjoyed many dog massages and romps off leash at High Park and despite being a poodle/retriever mix, remained a scaredy cat near lakes and rivers (much to our amusement). In the fall we noticed some odd behavioural and physical changes. After a few months of various investigations a tumor was diagnosed at the neck of his bladder and we made the heartbreaking decision to put him down. Not a day has passed where coming home to an empty house hasn't been painful. They say time heals all wounds and in the mean time we enjoy going through old pictures and remembering the goofy, ridiculous, heart warming oaf of a dog that made our lives better by having shared his unconditional love with us. Many, many thanks....Pauline, Peter, Emily, Lucas, Evelyn and...(from the puppy park in the sky) Jake Becker."

His beloved owner Sylvain says...
“In 2004, I adopted a feisty little Min Pin named Tyson. He passed away this June 1st in his 17th year. He had the attitude and bullied shamelessly my husky who grew up and matured with him. Although he was a tough little guy he was always there to cuddle at the end of the day. I like to think that both of them are now together aggravating each other. Thank you for many joyful years with a little dog with a big heart.”

Petra says “Milou is doing great. He definitely knows this is his home now. Attached is pictures of Milou and his beloved Joseph (my husband). We love Milou so much. He is such a good dog and all his shaking (I assume anxiety and being so shy) that he had at the beginning is gone.”

Ally says “Odie has settled in quite well with us. He is amazing with our children, as well as the other children in our neighbourhood. He has become very sociable with other dogs and has already made a handful of friends that he enjoys running around with in the conservation area across the street. He also enjoys chasing squirrels and birds in the backyard. Working from home was pretty lonely before Odie, he has made me love my job again. Odie enjoys lying in the sun in the afternoons, but any other time he is usually on your lap or right beside you snuggled in. Odie is full of love to give and we are so happy that it is our family that gets to accept his love. Thank you Minpinerie for matching Odie with our family.”

Chris says “Cagney is doing super well! She's learnt Sit, and is starting to learn Stay. She's starting to learn people coming into the apartment are friends, and in general is a really good girl! Picture of a tuckered out pooch after a bunch of playing.”
Oscar and Felix

Oscar and Felix were formerly known as Kodi and Kori. Jennifer says “We adopted them at the end of November 2015. For totally untrained dogs they were surprisingly well behaved doggies and quickly bonded to me, following me wherever I was in the house. My husband created a maze in the backyard for the boys to play in and they love chasing each other and wrestling. Their recall is improving every day and are even obeying a few commands like "sit" and "lie down". We are currently working on "paw". Felix is the big cuddler. He just loves being cuddled and loves belly rubs. Oscar loves them too but he is the investigator of everything and most times is patrolling the house! He has his Squeaky bear that he carries around with him and won't go to bed without it. While they are brothers from the same litter, they are two totally opposite little characters and the name choice my husband and I made suits them to a T. Thank you Minpinerie for connecting me with our furbabies. We love them to pieces.”

Edith says “I raised two sons, and working with Tinkerbelle to bring out her best has been just like mothering a young child again. But, she does have a delightful personality. My husband and I have commented many times about all the ways she has of communicating what she wants, such as barks, silent barks, little growls, and how perfect she is for us. She has also been able to adapt to snuggling with and being cared for by two people. Somehow in her little head she keeps track of how much time she should spend with each of us. We just let her decide that. Thanks again for helping me adopt this little treasure! …It is hard to believe that it has been only two months as she has become such a part of our daily lives. Dressing her and taking her out for walks no longer seems like a chore, and she often does something new that we have to laugh about. I realized that she does not know how to play, so I have bought a couple of dog toys to help her be creative and more active. The long walks, which will become longer in the warmer weather, also help.”

Matthew and Jennifer say “We fell in love with Frankie and adopted him the same day we met him. He missed Steven the first night but he settled right in. Frankie loves to play with his toys (especially his stuffed donkey) and snuggling with us is his number one priority. We tuck him into his doggie bed every night before we go to sleep, but he somehow manages to find his way onto our bed and under the covers in the middle of the night! He hates wearing his doggie coat and boots (despite looking adorable), but refuses to walk more than ten steps if he doesn’t have them on. Frankie loves to visit the dog park everyday and chase the dogs 3 times his size. He loves peanut butter filled Kongs, mashed sweet potato, and denta sticks. We love having Frankie in our lives! Thank you, Louise, Steven, and Minpinerie!"

Nancy sends this update from adopting Jake on March 3, 2013! “When I went to meet Jake he immediately laid on his back and asked for a tummy rub and I couldn't resist him. Ruth had advised me that Jake had some separation anxiety and that we would have to work on a few things. Did he ever! The great thing is that Minpinerie prepared me for this with a lot of information. I worked hart with Jack and if you met him today you would never know 🙂 He knows I will forever be his mommy. He is an amazing dog so cuddly and loving. He has the cutest tail wag and a little soul when he really wants your attention. Jake now has a little (BIG) sister too it took a little adjustment at first but now if she leaves the house without him, he sits by the door anxiously awaiting her return. I'm extremely grateful to Minpinerie for rescuing Jake so that he would eventually find his way to me."

Kelly adopted Jersey in March and she says Jersey is finally growing on Hershey. They are all getting lots of snuggles!

Jen and Russ adopted Zappa in 2015! “It's like he's always been here! He loves to snuggle with my Doberman and sunbathe. We've come a long way on his confidence and he is a lot better meeting people without barking at them. He wants nothing more than to please us and tries to be a good boy. It took a bit too but he now plays with us and loves to snuggle too. Thank you so much for trusting us with him he has been such an addition to our home!”

Meredith says “We are so lucky to have been entrusted with the happiness and wellbeing of our now treasured beyond imagination, chocolate MinPin Wylie, formerly Brett, formerly Mudslide. He has helped to fill the whole in our hearts left by Shadow, our 15 year old MinPin rescue, who passed away this winter after 13 years by my side. He has also become the new best friend for our 8 year-old MinPin Cora who misses Shadow so. Wylie is gentle, friendly, funny and curious and loves my kids even though they can sometimes be a lot to handle. I couldn't imagine our home without him. Thank you!”

Bambi (previously Jude) was adopted by Jimin and Josephine at the start of 2016 at about 10 months. “He has become such an important part of our lives and we couldn't be happier. He came to us a very thin (<5 lbs) and somewhat timid puppy. However, after a couple of months, it became apparent that he is just the most sweetest dog and the biggest snuggle bug (will take EVERY chance to jump into your lap to snuggle). He is also coming along nicely with his behaviour towards strangers with the help of his brother Bow. He is now a healthy 9.5 lb jumping bundle of joy, spending his days running alongside his brother at the park, and digging a comfy spot on the couch under the blankets for a nap. Thank you Minpinerie for bringing us together, we couldn't imagine life without him!”

Maria says “Nico (was Rooseveldt) has come along way from when I 1st got him on the easter weekend in March 2016 he was a shy little guy he has adapted very well to his new forever home my family all love him & so do we. He sleeps in our bed & under the covers sometimes. love is walks & his toys to play with...I take him the pet store to get used to other dogs & he does fine with other dogs.”

Kristen says “Asher has been the missing piece to our families puzzle. He is so loving, gentle and cuddly. Night or day he is found snuggling under the covers. His brother Toby, Yorkie poo and Asher often wrestle and keep another company. Even Bear the kitty cat is coming around. I rescued Asher just over 6 weeks ago from a shelter in Kentucky not knowing at all what I was walking into, however, it was the best thing I could have ever done. Asher is a fun, loving, vocal boy who has won over my heart as well as the rest of the family and friends. Thank you Minipinerie!”

Kanthima says “Muppet is part of our family for over six months now. When Muppet first arrived he was always hide behind corners and growls like he does not trust anyone. Now, he knows that he have found a new family that cares and loves him so much! He also get along so well with Otie his furever brother! We love our Muppet and we know he loves us too <3 Thank you Minpinerie, because of you guys Muppet found his furever home and we found the sweetest loving dog!”